Tuesday, April 28, 2009

finding wisdom in setbacks...

I hit a temporary roadblock...well actually a few roadblocks. For a brief moment, I thought all would be well with my book. I received the final proof copy & there is a huge issue with the color. It's way darker than the original artwork to the point where some pages lost alot of detail. The case may be that I will have to have the images color corrected and re-formatted which could take several weeks. I wouldn't want to settle for a final product that wasn't true to the artwork that I have created.

Through my frustrations I am learning that it is better to be patient and get what you really want rather than blazing through everything but settling for something less. This can be applied to all areas of life.

I've also have had horrendous allergies which have rendered me incapable of doing much these past few days. This is a wake up call that my immune system is weak and that I need to go back to the original vows I made to take better care of my health. Tomorrow I am going to do a cleanse & detox along with a raw foods diet for 7 days. I need to rid my body of it's attachment to caffeine & comfort foods. I usually can't seem to get along without caffeine so now I am going to swap coffee for water.

Please feel free to hold me accountable. I may be grumpy over the next week but it's all for the best. I challenge you to take a look at your health and see what needs improvement. The healthier you are, the more you increase your chances of being on the planet longer with the people that you love!


Brandi Reynolds said...

"I am learning that it is better to be patient and get what you really want rather than blazing through everything but settling for something less"

I seem to get this lesson alot...lol

amen, sister.

beckyblueeyes said...

Hey Girl
Will you email me how to do that detox thing. I rely to much on caffeine and all kinds of bad things as well. I think maybe if I did that, I wouldnt have so many med probs and I would feel better inside and out! Love ya girl! Lori