Thursday, August 5, 2010

Your Relationship With Money...

It's amazing how much of our life revolves around money. What is your relationship with money? Is it healthy? Money is energy. It flows. It can allow us great freedom and lack of it, strips us of our dreams. Some things to look at: Are you careless with your budget? Were you raised with the idea of constant lack and scarcity?

Some Helpful Tips

I wrote a list of some ideas that might help you save for the things that really mean a lot to you. I don't like seeing people struggle. If you can't make your bills or are in financial strain, maybe consider some of these tips:

1. Open up a savings account & stash money in there every paycheck, even if it's just $25, it adds up after awhile.

2. Sell what you don't need anymore or things you've outgrown.

3. Trade/barter with a friend.

4. Create a vision board with things you'd like to work towards (if you need help with this, let me know).

5. Make use of whatever free resources you have like the library. Consider doing some things outdoors that are free when the weather cools down.

6. Don't eat out as much. It's pretty common to waste a ton of money on dining. You can cook at home and even make a date of it. This also includes skipping a few nights at the bar, you can drink at home. It is much cheaper & it's not going to kill you to make a small sacrifice.

7. Skip the mall once in awhile and consider second hand stores like Buffalo Exchange. I can understand the desire to have brand new things, but sometimes consigned items can be great.

8. Prioritize your time and see if there is a way to make extra cash with a skill that you have. (as long as it's legal) ;)

9. Visualize prosperity. Any time you panic that you don't have enough, re-wire your thoughts. Like attracts like. Maybe use a positive affirmation. "I am surrrounded with wealth." "All my needs are always provided for."

10. Take a chance and look into making an investment, like stocks.

11. Skip the $4 lattes and make coffee at home. Think about it, if you buy 15 lattes a month, that's $720 a year! Good lord, that's alot of money!

12. Negotiate to have your bills lowered. Sometimes if you call your insurance companies, you can lower your rates. Maybe look at your cell phone plan and see if you are paying for more than what you actual use. This goes for cable too. If you are never home, then why would you pay $60 for something you don't even use.

13. Really re-consider big financial decisions before taking the leap. Always look at what the chances are that you will have a high return on investment. The worst thing you can do is make a hasty decision like buying a home or racking up a college tuition bill that you'll be paying until your 80. A little patience & reconsideration may save you some serious grief.

14. Don't buy into the idea that the economy is terrible and that we are all doomed to be poor. Stay positive. There are alot of people out there who are doing amazingly well financially. You are just as capable as they are, so believe in yourself!

Hopefully some of these tips are helpful to you. If nothing else, I hope that maybe you can reconsider your attitude around money. Furthermore, if you do end up with more than you need, remember to share with those who genuinely need it & keep the good energy flowing. I would love to hear your thoughts!

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