Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Beauty of the Season

This is an amazing, eventful time of year but at the same time it can be really stressful, right? It can often be a trigger for a lot of emotional issues to surface because we are easily reminded of the things we've lost during the holidays. But I prefer my glass half to almost all the way full! At some point in our life, we all experience loss & drastic changes to our lifestyle but some losses are blessings in disguise. We must put those things to rest and see what cups are still standing. Our instinct is not to just survive but to thrive!

We could all probably put the Snoopy psychiatry booth to use. This was taken at the Mill Ave. Christmas parade on 11/27/10

The end of the year is a great time to take inventory on our lives. We should give ourselves the opportunity to reflect on the year and our accomplishments or lack thereof. I know that many people have expressed to me that they didn't get everything "done" that they wanted to do this year. This is okay. We are blessed with the coming of 2011 and so we can re-intent our goals.

Even if we didn't outwardly accomplish much, there might be some inner work that you've done. It could mean that you became more patient or wise this year. Or maybe you had a shift and became less materialistic or critical of others. For me personally, this year has been a lot about improving my health and physicality by getting out there and moving my body more often...running, hiking, camping, yoga, swimming and rock-climbing. On an inner level, it's been more about allowing myself to set boundaries while figuring out what truly makes me happy. This is also referred to as "keepin' it real". :)

So as the air continually gets chillier, you can warm your heart by reconnecting with those who haven't reached out to in awhile. I just adore this time of year. There is nothing better than snuggling to keep warm. I find great joy in being able to give to the people that I care about. I hope you find great joy this season in the simple things like preparing a delicious meal with love in it, the smell of firewood burning, baby Eskimo kisses, sharing wine with friends and the feeling that everything is quite alright after all...

Happy Holidays and continued gratefulness for football season!

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